This is great stuff! As someone who's still exploring the world of beer, I really appreciate it when experts keep things simple. At the end of the day, I just want to know how it tastes. I never quite understand why it's so tough for experts to answer this question—often, I leave with either something I don't enjoy or nothing at all. The worst thing you can do to a newbie is make them feel dumb or unwelcome; otherwise, I might just stick with my trusty Henny Margaritas! 😂

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I'm so glad it resonated with you. I think some experts want to flex their expertise, which is fine. But it's important to tone that down when you're talking to someone who isn't as informed as they are. There's no point in being an expert if you aren't willing to share some of that expertise. And you're exactly right, if they aren't willing to welcome you in, then you have no choice but to keep drinking those Henny Margs!

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